The 2022 MMP™ Reporting Season Is Open!

What’s New This Year?
The Municipal Measurement Program™ (MMP) was designed in 2018 by The Recycling Partnership & Re-TRAC™ to create a centralized database of local government program information that state, county, and regional agencies can use to improve recycling in the United States.
After 4 years of collecting data from local government agencies about their MSW, recycling, and organics collection programs, we saw an opportunity to simplify the surveys and save participants time. The new surveys have been completely rebuilt from the ground up to collect the highest priority program data in the most streamlined and efficient manner.
As we continue to promote consistent measurement and top-quality standardized data collection, you will see the following changes in the latest version of the MMP.
- Surveys have been reorganized by waste stream.
- Survey questions focus on the services your agency provides to residents.
- Surveys have been pared down and no longer span multiple pages.
- Materials and their definitions have been updated to align with The Recycling Partnership, BioCycle, and Re-TRAC Sightline™ standards.
- Where possible, historical data from past MMP responses will be migrated over to the new 2022 version.
Accessing the MMP
A New Look
The first change you will see is the new, refreshed login page. You might also notice that the URL has changed from to If you bookmarked the old URL (, please update it to ensure you don’t experience any interruptions to your work in Re-TRAC.

New Surveys Located on Member Workspace
You will continue to access the MMP surveys from your member workspace. There will be three waste-stream specific surveys available to you:
- MSW Collection Programs
- Collecting data about single-family curbside, multi-family, and residential drop-off MSW collection programs
- Recycling Collection Programs
- Collecting data about single-family curbside, multi-family, and residential drop-off recycling collection programs
- Yard and Food Waste Collection Programs
- Collecting data about single-family curbside and residential drop-off yard and food waste collection programs

New Survey Features
Along with updates to the survey structure and content, some new features have been added to help streamline your MMP data entry.
These features include:
- Links to historical tonnage of the previous year’s data.
- If you had participated in the MMP in past years, and had entered MSW, recycling, and/or yard & food waste tonnage, you will be able to see that historical data in your active survey.

- Select All/Select None buttons.
- To assist with data entry, specifically when multi-select questions are used, "Select All/Select None" buttons have been added.

- Survey-specific user guides.
- Users can now access survey-specific user guides by clicking "Survey Instructions" at the top-righthand corner of each survey.

Updated Analytical Reports
A new suite of analytical reports has been created for members.
If you have historical MMP data and want to see your previously completed surveys, use the new "Archived Responses" report. It will generate an output of every survey response created for the year selected.
Below is the full list of analytical reports available to participating MMP members:

For more information about the MMP click here. If you are not currently set up to report to the MMP, please complete the MMP Application Form to get started!
Still have questions? Email us at