Scrap Tire Reporting

Keep tires out of landfills

Start measuring how well your jurisdiction is achieving scrap tire circularity by understanding how many tires are collected, transported, processed, and reused.


Establish a database of recyclers and transporters


Monitor scrap tire movement


Evaluate recovery performance


Convert to PTEs

Profile your scrap tire recyclers & transporters

  • Start with the essentials

    Collect key information about each of the scrap tire processors and transporters including company name, address, contact information, ownership details, hours of operation, and financial assurance document.
  • Know your mobile tire processors

    Capture information about mobile tire shredders and the tire recycling facilities they use.


Keep an eye on incoming & outgoing scrap tires

  • Incoming scrap tires

    Measure how many waste tires were received from authorized transporters & public drop-off, and automatically convert the results into passenger tire equivalents (PTEs).
  • Outgoing scrap tires & tire-derived materials

    Break down how many whole scrap tires & processed scrap tires were shipped for further processing, reuse, beneficial use, and disposal.
  • Monitor stockpiles

    Keep an inventory of whole scrap tires, shreds & pieces, tire-derived chips (TDC), tire-derived fuel (TDF), crumb rubber, by-products, and other materials that remain in storage at the facility.

Supervise scrap tire transporter activities

  • Track collections & deliveries

    Measure how many waste tires were collected from each source and where the tires were delivered for processing, retreading, reuse, beneficial use, or disposal.
  • Collections and transfers from out-of-state facilities

    Understand how many scrap tires and processed materials are accepted from out-of-state facilities or transferred from peer transporters.


See the bigger picture

  • Analyze tire material flows

    Generate reports to understand how many tires are collected, transported, processed, and shipped in your jurisdiction.
  • Evaluate recovery performance

    Calculate the amount of scrap tires & by-products recycled, retreaded, reused, disposed, and applied as beneficial use.


Complete the form to get in touch with the Re-TRAC Connect team.