Boost compliance rates
Quickly identify compliance status, schedule inspections, and measure diversion performance for commercial, multi-family, and construction & demolition (C&D) recycling ordinances.
Track compliance
Measure exemptions
Manage inspections
Measure performance
A compliance reporting solution that can
be adapted to your organization's data collection needs
Simplify enrollment, reporting, and exemptions
Easy enrollment
Streamline onboarding by making it easy for affected property owners to enroll in your compliance reporting program. -
Start with the essentials
Whether your ordinance targets businesses, institutions, or multi-family properties, capture fundamental information like property size, number of employees, number of tenants, containers, and collection services. -
Exceptions & exemptions
Ensure affected properties can submit waiver requests so program administrators know which properties can't meet the compliance requirements and why.
End-to-end compliance monitoring
Capture compliance details
Whether your ordinance focuses on recycling rates, education programs, or signage & container requirements, streamline the collection of recycling plans and compliance details from each affected property. -
Manage compliance
Quickly identify and manage the compliance status of each of your target properties to keep your compliance auditors organized. -
Track inspections & reassessments
Empower enforcement teams to document inspections, track communications, and schedule reassessments to ensure all properties work toward compliance.
Measuring success
Compliance rates
Measure overall compliance rates and review a list of affected properties, their compliance status, and next steps for non-compliant properties. -
Diversion rates
Measure the overall diversion rate and property-level performance to evaluate the efficacy of your mandatory recycling ordinance. -
Inspections time report
Delight your inspectors by giving them a quick report they can reference when scheduling on-site visits and reassessments.
Streamline data collection
Capture project details
Collect key information about each project including contractor, project type & value, job site location & size, waste management plans, on-site containers, diversion rate minimums, facilities used, and more. -
Measure project-level waste generation
Track the waste generated by each of your construction & demolition (C&D) projects including supporting documentation like weight receipts or the material weight estimation methodology used. -
Monitor diversion rates
Ensure your job sites meet minimum diversion requirements by monitoring the amount of materials that are reused, recycled, composted, or landfilled.
Dig into your data
Tonnage analysis
Measure the total tons of MSW, recycling, and organics collected from each project or job site. -
Diversion rate
Calculate the diversion rate for each of your active construction, demolition, or remodeling projects to ensure targets are met. -
GHG analysis
Based on the U.S. EPA's WARM model, analyze GHG emissions measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2E), by project or job site. -
Cost analysis
Calculate the aggregated cost analysis for all your projects or break down costs & rebates by project or job site.

"Re-TRAC Connect™ provides City of Austin staff with real-time reports, anytime online access for customers, and results in increased transparency for businesses."
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