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Help us improve your Re-TRAC Connect experience

Blog post graphic - Help us improve your Re-TRAC Connect experience

This is your chance to describe how your Re-TRAC Connect experience can be improved. It’s also an opportunity to tell us which Re-TRAC features you value most, share insights about how existing features can be enhanced, and introduce new feature ideas for us to consider in the future.

We understand the impact that software design can have on user experience (UX). Our software should be practical, intuitive, and enjoyable to use. Recognizing these fundamental expectations, we recently kicked off a new project that aims to improve the Re-TRAC Connect experience.

For years, we have encouraged waste management professionals to use quality data to make informed decisions about their programs. Taking our own advice, we’ll be collecting feedback from the Re-TRAC Community and the resulting data will be used to guide the UX project.

Complete this short survey to help us make Re-TRAC even better. Your feedback will help us identify common themes and prioritize opportunities to improve the Re-TRAC Connect experience for everyone.

The survey is now closed.