All You Should Know About Our File Exports Feature

The File Exports feature update is now available in Re-TRAC!
Are you tired of the tedious process of downloading individual file uploads? Say hello to the upgraded file export feature (released in August 2023), which offers a more efficient way to download multiple responses simultaneously. We understand the challenges of downloading multiple file uploads or responses for members. We've added an "Export to Zip" option to address this need, making the process smoother. Now, you can download larger files (up to 10MB per file) and export up to 100 file attachments simultaneously, improving your experience.
What does the feature look like now?
File Uploads Page (Program Managers Only)
- Program Managers can now export up to 100 survey file attachments to a ZIP file.

- To limit file attachments to 100, filters can be applied based on member, survey, and year.

- The export button will remain disabled until the filters limit file attachments to 100 or fewer.

- We've also enhanced the user experience by making file names clickable, simplifying the process of downloading individual file attachments.

Responses Page (Program Managers Only)
- Program managers now have the option to generate a ZIP file containing all the files linked to a member's survey response.

Edit Response Page (Program Managers Only)
- While reviewing a single survey response, you have the ability to export all related file attachments into a ZIP file.

Further updates are coming soon, so stay tuned!