2020 Guide To Participating in the MMP

The following guide was developed to help municipalities participate in the 2020 version of the Municipal Measurement Program (MMP). Municipalities in the Unites States and Canada can join the MMP for free so if you haven't already applied to join the MMP, please start by doing so here.
If you want to read more about the updates made to the 2020 version of the MMP, please see What’s new in the MMP in 2020
Core Surveys
The MMP’s core surveys have been designed to streamline your reporting experience. Depending on how you respond to certain questions, additional questions and sections may become available to you - and questions that don’t apply to your municipality will be hidden.
Municipality's will complete the three core MMP surveys:
The About Your Municipality survey collects general demographic information about your municipality and information about your education and outreach programs.
The Residential Curbside Program Assessment survey collects information about the curbside programs available to residents in your municipality, including municipal solid waste (MSW), single-family recycling, multi-family recycling, and organics collection.
The Residential Drop-Off Assessment Survey collects information about the drop-off sites operated by your municipality, including MSW, recycling, source separated organics, household hazardous waste (HHW), scrap tires, electronic waste, construction & demolition (C&D), and scrap metal / white goods.
Optional Surveys
Two new optional surveys will be introduced to the MMP in 2020:
The Public Space Program Assessment survey will collect information about where public space bins are located, the types of containers used, and tonnage information for recycling and MSW collected from public spaces in your municipality.
The Processing Facilities Assessment survey will collect information about how your municipality works with facilities to manage the materials it collects from residents. It also collects information about the percentage of materials that are diverted versus disposed. By completing this survey, municipalities will unlock the Environmental Benefits Report (coming soon).
Assembling The Data
You can streamline the completion of your program assessment surveys by assembling the following information ahead of time:
Basic Information
- Your municipality’s definition of “single-family units” and "multi-family units"
- Population of your municipality
- Number of single-family and multi-family households in your municipality
- Top waste management challenges
- Types of collection programs in your municipality
Education and outreach activities
- Budget for education and outreach
- Staffing
- Advertising activities
- Types of advertising
- Point-of-collection material types
- Curbside contamination control activities
Municipal solid waste (MSW) collection program characteristics
- Number of single-family households served by MSW collection
- MSW collection service delivery methods
- MSW facility information
- Tipping fees
- Annual MSW tonnage
Residential single-family curbside recycling program characteristics
- Number of single-family households served by recycling collection
- Curbside collection service type (i.e. public vs. private/open market system)
- Existing local ordinances
- Curbside recycling collection service delivery methods
- Container types
- Collection frequency
- Set out rates
- Accepted materials in curbside recycling program
- Contamination control activities
- Curbside single-family recycling tonnage
Residential multi-family recycling program characteristics
- Number of multi-family households served by recycling collection
- Existing local ordinances
- Accepted materials
- Annual multi-family recycling tonnage
Residential curbside organics collection
- Number of households served by organics collection
- Curbside organics collection service delivery methods
- Container types
- Collection frequency
- Accepted materials in organics collection program
- Annual curbside organics tonnage
Residential drop-off program
- Number of drop-off locations operated by your municipality
- How many drop-off locations are staffed
- Approximate number of residents served by drop-off sites
- Materials accepted via drop-off program
- Tonnage for recyclables, MSW, source separated organics, HHW, scrap tires, electronic waste, C&D, and scrap metal/white goods collected via drop-off program
If you still have questions about participation in the MMP, please contact us at mmp@re-trac.com
On behalf of Re-TRAC Connect and The Recycling Partnership, thanks for participating in the Municipal Measurement Program!